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Emissionen & Geruch im Fahrzeuginnenraum (VIAQ)

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imat sample protection bags

From 64.95 € (excl. VAT)

In accordance with DIN 55531 type 1, our high quality aluminum bags protect your material sample against air, oils, moisture and light, to avoid inadmissible aging and contamination. Thereby it complies with the strict requirement of the automotive industry for sample packaging for odor and emission testing.


  • flat bags
  • press-to-close system
  • with tear notch


Our high quality aluminum bags offer maximum protection against air, oils, moisture and light, saving your samples from inadmissible aging and contamination.

The 3-layer aluminum composite film of the flat bag in accordance with DIN 55531 type 1 complies with the strict requirements of the automotive industry for the packaging of samples for testing emission and odour behaviour.
The bags can be closed and opened easily and quickly with the practical press-to-close fastener and can alternatively be heat sealed.

In terms of emission samples it is highly recommended to close the bags hermetically.

Size Dimensions     Use
Small bags 200 x 300 mm² inside for small sample quantities, e.g. single material tests according to VDA 278 or VDA 270
Medium bags 290 x 450 mm² inside for flat goods or small parts, e.g. for material and single part testing according to VW 50180, DBL 5430, PN 780 or GMW 16853
Large bags 500 x 650 mm² for medium-sized components, e.g. for material and component testing according to VW 50180, DBL 5430, PN 780 or GMW 16853


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Sie stehen vor der Herausforderung, die Emissionsgrenzwerte Ihrer Bauteile im Innenraum einzuhalten und dabei gleichzeitig Kosten und Zeit im Blick zu behalten? Mit unserer umfassenden Erfahrung und modernsten Prüfverfahren können Sie sicher sein, dass Ihre Materialien und Bauteile nach den neuesten Standards validiert werden. Wir wissen, wie wichtig es für Sie ist, präzise und aussagekräftige Ergebnisse zu erhalten, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Qualitätsziele zu erreichen und dabei Ihre Projekttermine einzuhalten.

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