Traditionally, imat has various accreditations, certifications and OEM approvals, which ensure a norm-compatible and reliable order processing.
On top of successful re-accreditations on a regular basis, imat constantly broadens testing capabilities within a flexible scope. Recently with emissions and paint testing to name just two.This means that imat has been approved by the German accreditation body “DAkkS” within set limits to independently include new testing procedures in our existing accredited portfolio, thus enabling us to quickly react to market requirements.
I will gladly answer any questions
Phone +49 (0) 2161 6865-859
Hier finden Sie alle Testmethoden, Normen und Prüfpläne, mit denen wir Ihre individuellen Aufträge abwickeln können.ACCREDITATIONS
Accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (Germany)
- All locations in Germany
- Scope:
- selected tests of airborne organic pollutants in the context of indoor air measurements and test chamber analysis
- selected physical, physico-chemical and chemical tests of raw materials, pre- and end products as well as component parts of the automotive industry, in particular of polymeric materials and products from renewable raw materials
- temperature, humidity, solar simulation (halogenide spotlight), hot light aging, mechanical continuous stress as well as in their combination environmental simulation tests (qualification tests) and measurements of length, brightness, color and force and three-dimensional deformation and change of pre- and end products as well as component parts of the automotive industry
- implementation of functional tests of sports, protection and technology of synthetic turf coverings and synthetic turf systems
- specific tests of plastics and textiles
- List with all flexibly accredited test methods
Accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 (Shenyang/ China)
- Location Shenyang (China)
- Colour fastness against ageing caused by environmental influences of laquer- or other material surfaces, textiles, components and component constituents, predominantly for the use in motor vehicle interior.
- Environmental tests with temperature, humidity, solar simulation and in combination (qualification tests) on pre- and end-products as well as automobile industry components.
- Photogrammetry
- Shaker and vibration tests
- Stiffness / peel strength
- List with all flexibly accredited test methods
Accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 (Atlanta, GA/ USA)
Accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 (Greenville, SC/ USA)
Accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 (Querétaro/ Mexico)
Certification according to ISO 9001
Certification according to VDA 6.2
Ministry of Transportation and Communications of Taiwan
Certification according to "Vehicle Safety Certification Center" - VSTD (Taiwan)
- Location in Mönchengladbach (Germany)
- Scope:
Flammability tests/ burning behavior VSTD 19
HC-Emissions and Odor
- GS 97014-2 Emissions measurement in SHED chambers (CARB test)
- D- Mönchengladbach, D- Stuttgart, CH- Shanghai
- GS 97014-3 Emissions measurement with air exchange in a testing chamber (summer test)
- D- Mönchengladbach, D- Stuttgart, CH- Shanghai
- BGI 505-23 Determination of N-nitrosamines
- D- Mönchengladbach
- VDA 278 Organic emissions using thermal desorption-GC-MSD
- D- Mönchengladbach
- AA-0061 Determination of formaldehyd emission
- D- Mönchengladbach
- VDA 270 Determination of the odor characteristics of trim materials in motor vehicles
- D- Mönchengladbach
Environmental simulations
- BMW PR 306.5 Solar simulation for trim parts
- D- Heimsheim
- DIN EN ISO 527-1,-2 Sample body injection molding (Type 1A) and tensile test
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- DIN EN ISO 527-1,-2 Tensile test
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- DIN EN ISO 178 Flexural test
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- DIN EN ISO 179-1 (1eU) Charpy impact test
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- DIN EN ISO 179-1 (1eA) Charpy notched impact test
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- DIN EN ISO 306 Vicat softening temperature
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- DIN EN ISO 75 Heat deflection temperature HDT
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- DIN EN ISO 11359 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion CLTE
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- BMW GS 93016
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- GMW 3205 Test Method for Determining the Resistance to Odor Propagation of Int. Materials
- D- Mönchengladbach
- GMW 3235 Fogging Characteristics of Trim Materials
- D- Mönchengladbach
- GMW 8081 Static Headspace GC-MS for Interior Materials
- D- Mönchengladbach
- GMW 15634 Determination of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from vehicle Interior Materials
- D- Mönchengladbach
- GMW 15635 Determination of Aldehyde and Ketone Emission from Interior Materials (HPLC)
- D- Mönchengladbach
- GMW 14236 Determination of the Release of Formaldehyde f. Molded Parts for the Vehicle Interior
- D- Mönchengladbach
- ISO 12219-4 Interior air of road vehicles--Part 4: Method for the determination of the emissions and volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials-- Small chamber method.
- D- Mönchengladbach, CH- Shanghai
Material testing
- GMW 14695 Determining the cohesive strength of felts and similar materials
- D- Mönchengladbach
- GMW 3013 General Requirements for Handling of Technical Terms of Delivery for Plastics
- D- Mönchengladbach
Volkswagen (VW)
According to VW 50180 (Volkswagen Group Standard for emission behavior - Components, Semi-Finished Products, and Materials in the Vehicle Interior)
- PV 3015 Determination of the fogging characteristics (Fogging G)
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- PV 3341 MS/FID - Determination of emission of organic compounds (TVOC with HS-GC-FID/MSD)
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3900 Odor
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- PV 3900 Odor (Leather)
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- PV 3925 Formaldehyde (Type A)
- US- Marietta
- PV 3937 Amine Emissions from PUR Flexible Foam, Indicator Method
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- PV 3942 DUT chamber emission behavior test
- D- Stuttgart
Material testing
- PV 1063 Determination of Micropore Density
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 1065 Layer Thicknesses of Nickel Coatings
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 2034 Non-metallic planar materials - Floating roller peel test
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3906 Non-metallic planar fabrics - Testing of abrasion behavior
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- PV 3908 Textiles, Carpets; Wear Resistance
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3909 Non metallic planar materials - Measurement of static and permanent elongation
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3922 Planar Fabrics and Molded Parts; Oil- and Water-Repellent Behavior
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- PV 3931 Hardness testing - PUR integral foam - Steering wheel rim
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3952 Plastic interior components - Testing of scratch resistance (followed by color measurement)
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3959 Hydrolysis Test on Molded Headliners
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3961 Upholstery Fabric - Velcro test
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3964 Surfaces in the passenger compartment - Testing of cream resistance
- D- Mönchengladbach, US- Marietta
- PV 3974 Plastic interior components- Determination of the writing resistance of spray-finished grained surfaces in vehicle interiors
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3986 Vehicle Parts made of Plastic, Test for Resistance in Damp Heat Environment
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 3989 Plastics for Components in the Exterior Area; Ball Drop Test
- D- Mönchengladbach, D- Heimsheim, US- Marietta
- PV 3991 Textured Surfaces, Skin Abrasion Test
- D- Mönchengladbach
- TL 1010 Materials for vehicle interiors - Burning behavior, material requirements
- D- Mönchengladbach, CH- Shanghai
Environmental simulation
- PV 1200 Vehicle parts - Testing of resistance to environmental cycle test
- D- Heimsheim, US- Marietta
- PV 1209 Environmental Corrosion Cycle Test
- D- Heimsheim
- PV 1210 Body and Add-On Parts/Hang-On Parts; Corrosion Test
- D- Heimsheim, US- Marietta
- PV 2005 Vehicle parts - Testing of resistance to environmental cycle test
- D- Mönchengladbach, D- Heimsheim, US- Marietta
- PV 3905 Organic materials - Ball drop test
- D- Mönchengladbach
- PV 1303 Non-metallic materials - Exposure test of passenger compartment components
- D- Heimsheim
- PV 3930 Non-Metallic materials - Weathering in moist, hot climate
- D- Heimsheim
- DIN-Member
- VDA-Member
- GUS / Gesellschaft für Umweltsimulation (company of environmental simulations)
- VUP/ Verband unabhängiger Prüflaboratorien e.V. (the German Association of Independent Testing Laboratories)
- IDiS - Digital Standards Initiative
- Programme committee Dornbirn-GFC / Global Fibre Congress
- Programme committee of the workshop “Emissions and odors of plastics” at University Kassel
- Various DIN-committees
- Various VDA-workshops
Mönchengladbach |
Stuttgart und Heimsheim |
Shanghai (China) |
Shenyang (China) |
Upington (Südafrika) |
Richards Bay (Südafrika) |
Atlanta, GA (USA) |