易马沈阳现已能为客户提供基于老化测试和复杂振动测试(振动器)的剥落(粘合)强度测试认证。即易马沈阳可以为其客户提供 ISO/IEC 17025 标准下汽车领域的全门类气候模拟测试。
Old clothes are valuable raw materials - New ways for recycling
Nowadays, when we talk about recycling, most people only think of plastic, paper, or ...
易马取得 PSA 集团安全相关燃烧测试认证
易马已获 PSA 集团认可,根据 D45 1333 Ind K 标准进行的横向燃烧测试表现达到标准。该方法着眼于乘客舱材料的安全性。
Workshop “Weathering for the validation of car components”
On October 1, 2020, recognized experts in environmental simulation and outdoor weathering ...
How do noses work? Workshop “Emissions and Odor in Vehicle Interior”
How do noses work? The practical seminar on September 30, 2020 by imat-uve will give the ...